By completing this survey you are contributing to making positive changes to the city.
Warwickshire Wildlife Trust is preparing to submit an application to the National Lottery Heritage Fund for the River Sherbourne Valley Living Landscape scheme. The scheme is designed to reconnect the people of Coventry with the River Sherbourne and restore it for wildlife.
We have already received funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund for this Development Phase, for which we are most thankful! We now need to understand more about how people view the river, its wildlife, its history and how important it is to local residents.
As the scheme moves forwards, we will want to stay in touch with how the community is feeling and hear what you have to say, so expect to see various opportunities to speak to us, online and in person, including more surveys!
Thank you for your thoughts.
Warwickshire Wildlife Trust is preparing to submit an application to the National Lottery Heritage Fund for the River Sherbourne Valley Living Landscape scheme. The scheme is designed to reconnect the people of Coventry with the River Sherbourne and restore it for wildlife.
We have already received funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund for this Development Phase, for which we are most thankful! We now need to understand more about how people view the river, its wildlife, its history and how important it is to local residents.
As the scheme moves forwards, we will want to stay in touch with how the community is feeling and hear what you have to say, so expect to see various opportunities to speak to us, online and in person, including more surveys!
Thank you for your thoughts.
For more information visit our website
Best wishes, the team!
By answering this survey, you are agreeing to take part in this research to help us in the ways listed above. Your privacy is important to us and we will handle your information in line with our responsibilities under GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations). This form will only be seen by project staff and will not be shared with any other parties. We will use the information that you give us to prepare reports for our funders, however no information that could identify you will be included. All of the data that we hold will be stored securely, kept only for as long as necessary and destroyed in accordance with our Data Retention Policy.